List Childcare Find Childcare

A free directory of home and center-based childcare providers in Canada.

Providers can list their home or center, create waitlists, and manage open spots.

Parents can search for childcare providers in their area, and join waitlists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about

Creating a listing is simple. Sign up for a free account, fill in the details about your daycare (including address, services, availability), and publish your listing. Parents will be able to discover your service through searches on
Yes, you can edit your listing at any time. Simply log in to your account, navigate to your listing, and update any information you need to change.
You should include the name of your daycare, location, age range of children you accept, a brief description of your services, daily schedule, and any special features like bilingual support, meal plans, or activities offered.
The spot management tool lets you update available spots in real-time. You can specify the number of openings, the age groups accepted, and the availability date. Parents browsing your profile will see this information instantly.
You can easily create a waitlist for full spots. Parents can join the waitlist, and you’ll be notified when there are signups. When a spot opens, you can reach out to parents in the order they joined.
Yes, is completely free to use for both parents and childcare providers. Our goal is to connect childcare providers with families looking for care in their area.
Log in to your account, go to your listing, and update your availability under the 'Openings' section. You can adjust the number of openings and the dates when spots will become available.
Yes, if you manage multiple daycares, you can create separate listings for each one. This allows you to manage each location’s details, availability, and waitlist independently.
When you update availability for a spot, parents on your waitlist will receive an email notification letting them know there is a space open. This helps keep parents engaged and informed.
Yes, we provide customer support to help you with any labels about managing your listings, spots, or waitlists. You can contact us directly for assistance.
To make your listing stand out, we recommend including photos of your daycare, details on your program, and what makes your childcare unique. Providing clear and complete information will attract more families.
Yes, you can deactivate or remove your listing at any time by accessing your account settings.